Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Author :- Jaymala

Why movement and localization?

Translation is as basic a manlike state as creating originals. It’s a uncolored trait of mind to express anything noticed new in the module one follows naturally. This has inspired the manlike beings to translate almost ever since the beginning of manlike civilization.

the advent of modern technology, translated word was the exclusive artefact to know that, in fact, there exists such a vast and diverse world beyond what we could see.

The world is as much indebted to the amateur translators as to the great scientists and inventors, revolutionary thinkers, prophets and ethnic reformers.

for the translators’ efforts, the inventions, the thoughts, literature and mythology, and the revolutionary ideas that changed the world could not hit traveled so farther and wide.

The Challenge
In contrast to movement of literature and mythology, movement in theoretical domain has its own exemplary challenges and methodologies.

It has developed a specialized process of migrating to other languages that we call localization. Localization is a broad sphere of activities of which movement is a major component.

Technical adaptation with due respect to cultural sensitivities are the basic tenets of localization. This calls for a perfect blend of theoretical and linguistics skills.

Web and telecommunications are new and evolving domains. They are spreading at a speed that no other domains hit achieved so far. Their user humble is growing by leaps and bounds.

Unlike other technologies, the scheme and telecommunications did not hit time to mature first in the native land and module and then migrate to other lands and languages.

Their theoretical maturity and widening of humble hit been simultaneous. This is the challenge for the translators: to be truehearted to the domain and yet be welcome to the common user.

Almost every other period some new features are additional to enhance mobile experience. Engineers and enthusiasts are working round the clock. Mobile manufacturers are in a cut throat rivalry to score over one another.

The convergence of different technologies and domains has blurred the divide among them. So the translators now hit to translate keeping this convergence in mind. This calls for a interbreed domain consistency.

With the phylogenesis of localization as a specialized offshoot of translation, highly theoretical domains such scheme and telecommunications hit developed business specific standard terminology. This is a great support as well as a challenge for the translators.

It’s a challenge because at times you hit to accept a terminology which you do not encounter welcome from the module point of view. This underlines a basic conception of translation: consistency.

Translation ever requires an active manlike involvement to become out in a welcome shape. Machines would ever hit a limited and supporting role in movement because they crapper exclusive perform in a defined way. They cannot think. And here in comes basic 1.

Think before you start. And think what? What is the domain? What is the text? What is the context? Who are the audience? To think clearly towards coming out with a good piece of translation, you requirement to read. This is basic 2.

Read the text in total, not in isolation from the whole. This is a thumb rule. This would provide you a see of the content in its totality. At times, you get the actual message conveyed exclusive at the end.

Also read some existing domain movement to know what not to do. We should learn from others’ mistakes. It would be meliorate if you meet read the translation, not the source. This is very important.

A reading would provide you a see whether this is an example text or a translation. General reading is immensely helpful. The more you read and know the meliorate for you.

Post movement reading is equally important. Again read it in total, see the flow and property of tone, call and narration. If you see that it sounds like a movement and not an original, then the movement has failed the purpose and you hit learned an important lesson: a movement has to good like an original. This is basic 3.

Be near to original
The success of a movement is measured on how the conference accepts it in the target language. It must good as if it is written in the target module itself. It must be as near to the example as possible in size, flow, and narration.

An oversized movement with an entirely different account is not a truehearted translation. This underlines the requirement to be ultimate and precise, which is basic 4.

Be ultimate and precise
There is ever a requirement and scope in movement to be ultimate and precise. The very purpose of movement is defeated if the message is not conveyed to the reader in the target language. You would never remember or fall back upon a Byzantine document for guidance.

We tend to use heavy terms while translating. We hit to resist this and opt for the simpler terms wherever possible.

Golden Rules of Translation
Follow the source:
A major challenge in movement is to reflect the tone, style, and structure of the source. This is simply addressed by respecting the source. It’s ever safe and owlish to study the source.

Follow the rules:
You are ever precise if you study the rules of module and grammar. A grammatically precise sentence is rarely a wrong translation. Being grammatically and linguistically precise is like speaking the truth.

You don’t requirement to remember what you said the terminal time. This curtails half of the efforts at the review level. This ensure property of module and style.

Maintain Consistency:
Consistency is the basic requirement of localization tasks. To a certain extent, it is more important than good quality. So much so that it crapper be acceptable if a movement is wrong but consistent but it is never acceptable if a movement is precise but inconsistent.

And property is not restricted meet to language, but it is also required in style, terminology, and narration. Beyond that, it extends to interbreed domain consistency. Ever growing convergence of technologies requires property in localization. Similar functionalities and concepts in telecom and code should be translated consistently.

Linguistically, property makes things easier for translators and reviewers. This saves efforts while making changes after the review.

It helps in action costs as we do not requirement to pay for anything that is already translated. It helps in developing logics and humble doe organisation translations.

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